Laser Driver

Products | Lasers | Laser Driver

Laser Driver

According to the high-tech fabrication of laser diodes, an ultra-stable, low-noise current source is required for their optimized performance. Using a current source instead of a voltage source offers much more tunability, reliability, and control to set the laser output power. According to the wavelength drift and electrical characteristics of the laser diodes, the maximum operating voltage is set to prevent laser damage and failure as a consequence of the current rush and sudden temperature changes.

# Part Number Category Name Manufacturer Discount Production State
1 LDC-201 Laser Driver Laser Driver Consoles نمایه پرتو آشا Obsolete
2 LDC-202 Laser Driver Laser Driver Consoles نمایه پرتو آشا In Stock
3 ITC4001 Laser Driver Laser Driver Consoles Thorlabs Importing
4 LDX-3412 Laser Driver Laser Driver Consoles New Port Importing
5 LDC-3726 Laser Driver Laser Driver Consoles New Port Importing
6 LDC-3724C-220V Laser Driver Laser Driver Consoles New Port Importing
7 TCC-101 Laser Driver Precise Themperature Control Console with Feedback نمایه پرتو آشا On Demand